Marie Kondo’s KonMari Method has taken the world by storm, and for good reason. This method is more than just a way to declutter; it’s a way to bring joy and purpose into your living space. If you’ve been struggling with clutter and disorganization, the KonMari Method can help you create a home that sparks joy. Here’s how to apply this method to your life:

1. Start with a Mindset Shift
The first step in the KonMari Method is to change the way you think about your possessions. Instead of focusing on what you need to get rid of, focus on what brings you joy. Hold each item in your hands and ask yourself: “Does this item spark joy?” If the answer is yes, it stays. If not, it’s time to say goodbye. This simple mindset shift will help you develop a deeper appreciation for the items that truly add value to your life.
2. Declutter by Category, Not by Room
One of the key principles of the KonMari Method is to declutter by category, rather than by room. Start with clothes, then move on to books, papers, miscellaneous items, and finally, sentimental items. This allows you to see the full extent of your belongings in each category, making it easier to make decisions about what to keep and what to let go of.
3. Fold Clothes Vertically
Marie Kondo is famous for teaching a unique folding technique that helps maximize drawer space. By folding your clothes vertically, you can see every item in your drawer at a glance, which makes it easier to find what you need. This method not only keeps your clothes organized but also ensures they stay in pristine condition.

4. Let Go of Sentimental Items Last
Sentimental items can be the hardest to part with, which is why the KonMari Method recommends tackling them last. Once you’ve gone through all your other categories, you’ll be better equipped to make decisions about your keepsakes. The goal is to keep only those items that truly bring you joy, leaving behind the rest.

5. Organize and Tidy Once, and for All
The KonMari Method teaches that tidying is a one-time event. By going through every category of your belongings and ensuring that everything you keep sparks joy, you’ll create an organized home that doesn’t need constant maintenance. Once you’ve tidied up, the clutter won’t come back, and you’ll maintain a serene, joyful space.
The KonMari Method isn’t just about decluttering; it’s about transforming your space into one that fosters joy, purpose, and peace. By following these steps and focusing on what truly sparks joy, you can create a home that’s organized, intentional, and full of things you love.